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Mandy's Photo Album

Yo's Photo Album

Yo's second litter

Yo's third litter

Caff's Photo Album

Rafoej Charmander

Mandy is a chocolate ticked tabby tonkinese. I saw her as a young kitten and I fell for her right away. I hadn't planned to breed tabby tonkinese at all. My boy Nemesis was her father.
Mandy was mated to Reiki and produced a litter of five kittens. The tabby kittens weren't as popular as I thought they might be, I did eventually rehome all but one, Kitana.
Mandy is very much her own cat, she loves company, but she doesn't like to be restrained. She is very friendly and very athletic.

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Vendredo Kitana

Kitana is the seal ticked tabby tonkinese daughter of Reiki and Mandy.
She was the last of the litter and also the most highly strung. She is friendly towards me as long as I don't push her too far, but she is terrified of strangers and a lot of the time, the kids freak her out.
She is a beautiful cat though. Extremely bonded to her mother. Where ever Mandy is, Kitana is.. what ever Mandy does, Kitana tries to do.

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Jolichat Caramilk

Yo is a cat I bought from Mrs Vera Stickney. She had a lively box of kittens for me to choose from. Yo is the daughter of a lilac burmese boy, Radinka Sylvester and a chocolate point siamese girl, Tokai Yolande. Yes, she was named after her mother, we were calling her "little yo" before we thought up a suitable name for her. Her mother Yo never had enough milk to feed more that one kitten in a litter, and there were six in baby Yo's! Vera Stickney bottle fed all of this cats kittens. They were always a credit to her.
Yo is very friendly towards people, she was always outgoing, fearless... she has put on a lot of weight since being speyed.
The big flaw in Yo's personality is that she will not tolerate any of the cats that came after her. She got on well with her half sister, tolerated her last litter when there were 7 of them, but when there was one left, she decided it had to die.
The poor baby was terrified, and I gave that kitten away for her own sake.
Yo attacks Kitana and Mandy, given half a chance. I have to keep her separate so we manage by time sharing the living area.
We have kept Yo's last kitten - Marshie.

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Vendredo Marshie

Marshie is the seal tonkinese daughter of Yo and Reiki.She is the last "Vendredo" kitten to be bred. Her mother was speyed after her and her brother were delivered by caesarian. Despite all the efforts we made, her brother only survived for four days. At one week old, Yo decided an only kitten, and her last kitten at that, wasn't going to be raised in a box... nooo... she moved this baby into my bed, under my blankets and refused to have her anywhere else. Imagine how hard it is to sleep in a bed knowing that there was a tiny one week old kitten in there!
Being an only kitten, she got plump very quickly, and was just like a squishy marshmallow, hence the name.
By the time she was six weeks old though, she was the size of a three week old kitten. Despite a good diet and lots of special attention, she wasn't growing too well. I took her to the Vet to be examined, and the xrays taken revealed her heart was enlarged and pressing on her ribs. The Vet couldn't say for sure if it was a viral thing or a congenital thing. We gave her a vitamin injection and I took her home.
I have never taken her back to recheck her heart, but she has to go and be speyed very shortly
She is a small cat, bright, intelligent, lively... and she now thinks under my jersey is the place she should sleep, and bugs me til I let her in!

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Vendredo Cappuccino

Caff was from my second ever litter of Tonkinese. She is a half sister to Yo, they have the same father, lilac burmese Radinka Sylvester.
I bred 2 litters of kittens from Caff. The first litter of 5 kittens and the second litter of 7.
Caff is an intelligent cat, bonded to those she trusts.... I have rehomed her now. That was always the hard part of being a breeder, not parting with the kittens, but having to part with my ex-breeding cats. It had to be done to make room for the next generation, but was never an easy thing.
Caff was fortunate enough to be one of very few cats for whom I made their own web page.
Here is the link!

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Meet Mandy

Meet Kitana

meet Yo

Meet Marshie

Meet Caff